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End-Of-Year Configuration Update Needed Before December 31, 2021

Update for PremierVerify SC and PremierVerify SCN

eProcessingNetwork issues configuration updates regularly as part of an automated process for our merchants, to ensure your devices are working at the optimal level.

For merchants processing transactions through the PremierVerify SC and the PremierVerify SCN devices, end-of-year updates were pushed out automatically via JPOS, SecureCard and Mobile applications to ensure that EMV processing is updated to meet compliance standards by December 31, 2021.

Here's what you need to do by December 31, 2021:

When you see the update request at sign-on, be sure to follow the prompts to complete the update.

If you opted out of the request previously, contact our support team at 800-971-0997 and they will walk you through the process to ensure you've completed the upgrade successfully.

If the update is not completed by December 31, 2021, you will not be able to process EMV transactions via the PremierVerify SC or the PremierVerify SCN.

Thinking of Upgrading?

If upgrading your hardware is a part of your business strategy, why not upgrade to the PremierVerify SC or the PremierVerify SCN? These best-in-class devices are secure, affordable, and in-stock for you today. They work seamlessly with ePNJPOS, ePNPlugin, ePNSecureCard and ePNMobile, so why not update your hardware and expand your footprint?

Any questions about the updates? Our experienced technical support team is always on hand to assist you at 800-971-0997.


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