The Hardware Stores Industry has seen sustained growth over the last 18 months. Deemed as essential during the pandemic, many hardware store owners have benefited from an
increased demand in materials for DIY projects due to stimulus income spending. As the economy recovers and as demand stabilizes, revenue is expected to expand 5.3% in 2021*. As an industry dominated by small businesses and co-op members, many hardware store owners are poised to have continued success well into the new year.
Even though cooler weather is around the corner, local hardware stores are still eager to serve customers busy with indoor DIY projects and getting decked out for the holiday season. Local hardware stores benefit from the weekend warriors who need a higher level of customer service and hands-on knowledge that many of the big box chains don’t have. With both ePNJPOS and ePNSecureCard, merchants can use their own laptops and printers to accept all forms of payments via desktop or through ePN’s compatible, low-cost contactless devices. Both retail solutions integrate seamlessly with ePNSyncOnline, our QuickBooks solutions to help track inventory levels and sales totals.
*Source: IBISWorld; Hardware Stores Industry in the US - Market Research Report